The IoD Guernsey Convention has been hailed as a great success, this sell out event attracted some serious interest from the media and politicians as the future of the Island in population and economic terms came under scrutiny. The social media reach was enormous.

Over 500 people attended a glittering IoD Convention on the 22nd October at Beau Sejour. People were heavily engaged with the event as can be seen just from the Twitter feed on the night.
Tweet stats for #iodgsy annual convention were 444 tweets, with more than 60k people reached and 500k timeline deliveries. You can see all the reaction by logging on to the IoD Twitter account @IoDGsy. https://twitter.com/IoDGsy
A big thank you must go out to all those who helped organise the event, especially our Vice-Chairman, Linda Johnson, Steve Falla and John Clacy.
We also give a big thank you to all our sponsors, particularly to Carey Olsen who were not only the main sponsors but who also helped us manage the event.