Our Speaker for our lunch on Friday 20 October was David Falla, a Guernsey Architect who has worked on large scale projects both in the UK and Guernsey. He also has wide experience of International Relations within his profession.

As we heard at the IoD Convention, the States have given priority status to the consideration of the regeneration of our Eastern Seaboard. David talked about the future of St Peter Port and the Bridge Town Centres and Harbours.
David is the Co-author of the Vision for St Peter Port and St Sampson which gave the foundation for the drafting of the Current Island Development Plan Urban Centres. In the talk he spoke about the document and how it was a taster and a reminder of what is possible. but a political will was needed, an economic case made and a way the private sector can be involved formulated. After the talk and a number of questions he explained that the Island needs Innovation, Vision and Ideas.
Linda Johnson thanks David for his talk and asked IoD members to send their ideas for the future of Guernsey, in particular the East Coast, to Tony Brassell at [email protected] so they can be discussed by the G4 and fed into the mix when these matters are being discussed by the States of Guernsey.
To see the complete Vision Document - Click Here