The 2023 IoD Guernsey Leadership Shadowing scheme saw Charlotte Duquemin, from The Sixth Form Centre, awarded first place and a Distinction, at the annual awards evening.
Charlotte shadowed Dr Steve Evans at the MSG and she presented her observations and learnings from her time at the organisation.
Amélie Le Prevost from Elizabeth College was awarded second place after her presentation shadowing Tania Sargent and Steve Langlois at Guernsey Water, and Joshua Le Sauvage from Elizabeth College was awarded third place after shadowing James Tracey from Oak Group. Both students finished with merit.
Charlie Kasparis, Leo Smith and Lexie Le Poidevin from The Sixth Form Centre, Amy Haines, Bella Duquemin and Tilly Collenette from The Ladies' College, and Dylan Kidd from Elizabeth College were all highly commended.
Ten students were shortlisted for the finals following presentations from more than 50 students who took part in the scheme.
The awards evening saw finalists present to a panel of judges alongside an audience of business leaders, fellow pupils, teachers and family at the OGH. The audience was also treated to an inspirational talk from Paul Gurney, co-founder of BecomingX. Paul shared his experiences of completing two of the toughest races in the world – the Marathon des Sables and the Polar Challenge.
Linda Johnson, Advisory Partner at KPMG, said: ‘The Guernsey IoD Leadership Shadowing scheme is a brilliant opportunity for young people to spend time shadowing a business leader and gain insights into how different leaders carry out their roles.
‘The students made some excellent observations about leadership and the standard of presentations was once again exceptionally high. KPMG was also delighted to bring Paul to Guernsey – he shared a fantastic presentation on resilience and how we can all reach our potential. The BecomingXpersonal development programme includes a digital education platform with interviews from the world’s most iconic and inspiring people, to showcase what it really takes to succeed. KPMG, with thanks to the Education Department, are proud to help every school in Guernsey have access to the BecomingX platform.
‘I’d like to thank Rob Jones (Aztech Soccer), Karen Power (IoD Committee) and Camille Norman-Ross Burrows (Source Recruitment), along with finals night judges, IoD Guernsey Chair, Glen Tonks and former Chair Wendy Dorey, Brooke Kenyon of Orchard PR and Julia Martin from Source Recruitment; it was difficult to pick a winner, but Charlotte impressed with her flawless presentation and insights in to the power of listening as a key leadership skill.’
KPMG is the primary sponsor, along with support from Aztech Soccer, and Source Recruitment who allocate the students to suitable placements, matching them to leaders. Orchard PR provide presentation skills training to all the students. If you would like to know more about the scheme please contact [email protected]
The IoD Leadership Shadowing Scheme will return in 2024.