The event will see the IoD launch a survey to its members to uncover the political, economic and social issues local directors are most concerned about, and upon which they will be judging potential deputies. Early next year the survey results will be revealed and will inform candidates of these issues.
David Mullins, States of Guernsey Lead Election Officer, will give the audience an update on the mechanics of the next election and how islandwide voting will be implemented.
IoD Vice-Chair Stretch Kontelj will give a short talk on good corporate governance in government.
John Clacy, Chair of the IoD, said: “We believe it is vital for our future States deputies to have a very clear message from business as to what the priorities for the next house should be, to benefit the island’s economy and make a positive difference.”
The IoD will present a “white paper” at the event to spark debate on what small changes to government processes could make a significant difference to the speed at which policies and budget decisions can be made. The paper will include a number of the ideas that were raised at the IoD’s mid-term seminar earlier this year.
The event is an opportunity for sitting and aspiring deputies to engage directly with Guernsey’s business leaders.
The breakfast will be taking place on Friday 6 December at the OGH, starting at 7.45am. Please register here: https://bit.ly/2OwSSdN